Club Library

Items may be checked out at meetings, or by contacting Lee Bumsted via Meetup. Can do pickup and drop-offs at SMSKN meetings or her house in South Portland.

Loan period is two months, with a three item limit per member, so that materials will be available to other members. Contact Lee with suggestions of reading/viewing materials you’d like the Network to acquire.

Suggested Reading


Sea Kayak by Gordon Brown 2006
The Art of Kayaking by Nigel Foster 2017
Sea Kayak Handling by Doug Cooper 2009
Rough Water Handling by Doug Cooper 2012
Sea Kayaking Safety and Rescue by John Lull 2008


Kayak Navigation by David Burch  2016
Sea Kayak Navigation by Franco Ferrero 2007
Simple Kayak Navigation by Ray Killen 2006
NOAA Chart Number 1
NOAA Coastal Pilot 1
USCG Navigation Rules
Tidelog for Northern New England

Paddling Guides

Kayaking the Maine Coast by Dorcas Miller
AMC Sea Kayaking in New England

First Aid

Paddlers’ Guide for Treating Medical Emergencies by Partick Brighton
Mountaineering First Aid by Carline, Lentz and Macdonald


Onboard weather forecasting by Bob Sweet a Captain’s Quick guidelines
Davis Quick reference Weather Forecasting ISBN # 1-892524-06-6