Confirmed at November 3, 2016 Board Meeting with changes to size of Board. Revisions confirmed at February 1, 2023 Board Meeting.
The Southern Maine Sea Kayaking Network is an all-volunteer membership organization open to the general public, incorporated under the laws of the State of Maine as a non-profit entity. Web site address is
The express purposes of The Southern Maine Sea Kayaking Network are as follows: a) To facilitate the pursuit of sea kayaking activities for persons of all skill levels; b) To provide a structure for public awareness, e.g. safety, conservation, environment; c) To provide an outlet for public service activities, e.g. island stewardship, coastal conservation; d) To provide a structure for social networking and community building.
There is one class of membership: individuals who are 18 years of age or older. The general membership of The Southern Maine Sea Kayaking Network shall meet periodically throughout each year at a place, date, and time determined by the Board of Directors. Meeting format shall normally include discussion of club business, visual or oral presentations on topics related to sea kayaking, and planning of trips and activities. All members must acknowledge and understand the Acknowledgment of Self-Responsibility and Release Form as a condition of membership. The Southern Maine Sea Kayaking Network is and shall remain a non-political and non-affiliated organization. The Southern Maine Sea Kayaking Network does not discriminate on the basis of gender, sexual orientation, religion, ethnicity, or disability. Participation in Network-sponsored trips and events is open to all members who meet the skill and equipment requirement determined by the trip or event coordinator. Individual club members may announce, via the Network’s message board, private trips and events open to subsets of the membership.
A. Officers
The governing body of The Southern Maine Sea Kayaking Network is called the Board of Directors and shall be comprised of at least 7 elected persons but will not exceed 12 people. These are President, Recording Secretary, Treasurer, and four to nine Members-At-Large.
B. Function
The primary function of the Board of Directors is to facilitate the express purposes of the club, as previously described in section two. Individual board members are expected to contribute their efforts for the betterment of The Southern Maine Sea Kayaking Network and its membership.
C. Meetings
The Board of Directors shall meet periodically throughout the year at a location, date, and time agreed upon by the board. Meetings shall be chaired by the President and will adhere to generally accepted parliamentary procedures. Meeting format shall normally include reading of the minutes from the prior meeting, discussion of old business, and discussion of new business. The general membership is invited to attend and participate, but must adhere to the scheduled agenda. Items for inclusion in the agenda may be submitted to the President prior to the meeting. Voting on decisions at the Board of Directors meetings shall be by majority rule, each board member having one vote. The Board may discuss and vote on old and new business by internet. Internet votes shall not replace regular Board meetings, but may be used to expedite action on business that should be acted on before the next regularly scheduled Board meeting. Internet votes shall be by majority of the entire Board.
D. Elections
The Board of Directors shall be properly nominated and elected by the general membership. Advance announcements of nominations and elections will be made at general meetings and by email commencing in August. Nominations for office will be taken at the September membership meeting. Elections will be held at the general meeting each October. Term of office shall be one year commencing January 1st.
E. Voting
Voting shall be by acclaim. There shall be a motion and a second from the floor that the secretary cast one vote for the slate. There shall be a voice or show of hands vote on that motion. An affirmative vote elects the slate of officers. Alternatively, if requested by the electorate, voting may be by written ballot. Candidates must receive a simple majority of the vote. In all cases, all members may vote.
F. Removal/Resignation From Office
In the event of gross misconduct or dereliction of duty, any board member may be removed from office by a two-thirds majority vote of the Board of Directors. The general membership may request the removal of a board member by petition containing the signatures of over 50% of the members. A special vote at a general meeting shall then be held with a two-thirds majority required for removal. In the event of removal or voluntary resignation of a board member, the Board of Directors shall appoint a replacement to fulfill the remainder of the term.
G. General Duties and Responsibilities
The President shall chair the Board of Directors meetings, act as liaison and spokesperson in communication with the public and public service organizations, and shall, along with the Treasurer, be responsible for the financial aspects of the Southern Maine Sea Kayaking Network.
Recording Secretary
The Recording Secretary shall record the minutes of the Board of Directors meetings, maintain availability of related information, assist in agenda scheduling, and act as a resource to members by providing information at general meetings.
The Treasurer shall maintain proper financial records and accounts and shall make a verbal or written report to the Board each month. He/she shall produce annual financial statements and budgets.
H. Board Member-At-Large
The Members-At-Large shall fulfill duties and responsibilities as necessary and requested by the President and/or the Board of Directors.
All Board members shall:
- Attend as many Board of Directors meetings as possible.
- Share the chairing of the general membership meetings, if requested by the President.
- Provide advance notice of resignation, assist with their replacement, and facilitate the orderly transfer of responsibilities.
- Take responsibility for or assist in implementing Board initiatives and otherwise undertake activities that support and promote the Club.
- Take responsibility for at least one Membership Program per calendar year
A. Fiscal Year
The Fiscal year shall be the calendar year.
B. Annual Dues
Annual dues of an amount determined before the start of the fiscal year by the Board of Directors are payable when initially joining and annually thereafter. Notice of renewal will be provided.
C. Expenditures
The reimbursement of all Southern Maine Sea Kayaking Network-related expenditures must be approved by the Board of Directors.
D. Financial Reports
Annual financial reports shall be made available for internal audit by one or more Board members and subsequently available for inspection by the membership.
The By-Laws shall be amended by a simple majority vote of the Board of Directors or the General Membership.
Latest revision approved by vote of the Board of Directors February 1, 2023.